Palma de Mallorca in monochrome

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Here’s some black and white photos I took in Palma de Mallorca in the summer, and developed the other day. There’s no real reason for me to return there. I had one lovely trip there, and one horrible one, so that balances out. I can’t say much for the quality of the company, but Mallorca is a beautiful place (minus Magaluf of course). I took these on Ilford HP5 with my Pentax ME Super (my favourite camera). I also had a roll of 50s style Efke film, but something happened to it, either moisture or humidity. When I opened it in the dark bag and tried to load it onto the reel, the cartridge was all full of goo, and the emulsion came off in a big clammy mess onto my hands. The film was unloadable, and unrescuable, so I’ll never know what was on it.



This art gallery in an old church near the cathedral was great, the building had wonderful atmosphere.


The floor had people’s faces printed on, to create a disconcerting effect when you walked on them.



Close up of the statue.


The strange sunken palm-lined river/canal is one of the things I like best about Palma. There’s something eerie about it.



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