Every year I take part in the Good Reads challenge. My target this year was 52 books. I completed it with one for luck- 53 books this year. As I read each book I took a photo for instagram and gave a brief opinion- I’ve copied and pasted them all here. I’ve separated them into categories, but left them in the order read within the categories.
Tag: agatha christie
Books, books and more books
At one point I was writing brief reviews on here with my thoughts about various books I’d been reading. I’ve got out of the habit of doing that, and meant to get back in to it. I’ve been keeping track of my reading on Goodreads for years, but a listing and a star rating doesn’t feel like enough. I thought it would be too much to do the whole of this year’s reading, so here’s the last few months of books.
Books I read in January
One of my new year’s resolutions was to read an average of 2 books a week, and see an average of 1 new film a week. I’ve managed the books this month, but I haven’t seen any new films. I caught up on about 20 hours of Scandinavian detective shows and watched a lot of tv documentaries though, so it’s not like I didn’t see anything. I just have to see one more film each of the rest of the months this year.
An exciting life lived in the world of books
I got this idea from Lee. Keep a running list of the books you read in one year, with a brief (or in depth depending on your whims) comment on each. I’m hardly a literary critic, so don’t go expecting devastating incisiveness.
You couldn’t peel me away from a book when I was younger. I still read plenty, but I do squeeze a few other things into my life here and there.
I reregisted with the local library, now I’m back in Kent til whenever. When I asked how many books you were allowed to take out, they told me “30, and please make full use of it, we need the borrowings”. So I did, although I could only physically carry 16 home, because too many of the books I wanted were hardbacks. I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, and not much money, and I’m feeling a little anti-social/misanthropic of late, so the library is my friend.
You couldn’t peel me away from a book when I was younger. I still read plenty, but I do squeeze a few other things into my life here and there.
I reregisted with the local library, now I’m back in Kent til whenever. When I asked how many books you were allowed to take out, they told me “30, and please make full use of it, we need the borrowings”. So I did, although I could only physically carry 16 home, because too many of the books I wanted were hardbacks. I have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, and not much money, and I’m feeling a little anti-social/misanthropic of late, so the library is my friend.
Since becoming unemployed I’ve applied for a lot of jobs, wrangled with the job centre, read quite a lot of library books, done some drawings (more of that later), tried and failed to do a sour dough bread starter and started freaking out about applying for a masters.
Here’s some of the books I’ve been reading or re-reading. Brief descriptions only, because I’m not particularly in the mood for writing.
Charity Shopping with Tukru
On Sat I went down Rochester with Tukru to do some charity shopping. She got Ike & Tina Turner and Human League records, a unicorn colouring book for zine purposes (she’s a big unicorn fan) and I convinced her to get some Agatha Christie books.