Char­ity shop finds

I haven’t found as many good char­ity shop items lately as over the summer, but there’s been the odd few things. I got this vase for £2, which I’ve planted an aloe vera in, for my own plant version of Sideshow Bob.

I spent the summer wast­ing

Yester­day I went round Scott’s to play Scrabble with him & Matt. At the begin­ning of the game I got loads of good letters and managed words like exude. At the end I had noth­ing but Os and Is and resor­ted to crappy words like nut. We ate a lot of chili crisps. Scott won the Scrabble.


This is a board game I got in a char­ity shop. I think the title deserves an exclam­a­tion mark. It encour­ages chil­dren to lie to customs officers convin­cingly. You get to smuggle dodgy perfume and boxes of cigars through customs. In my head it belongs to an imagin­ary Fath­er Ted epis­ode where Ted & Dougal are stuck inside on a rainy day, and decide to play a board game, they have a choice between Trivi­al Pursuit- Papal Edition or Smuggle, then Dougal turns out to not under­stand the concept of bluff­ing

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