Read­ing Diana Xpro

I’ve been work­ing through scan­ning a moun­tain of old films. Here’s some from 2004. I was living in Read­ing and study­ing at the univer­sity there. I also hand­ily had a part-time job in a film lab, result­ing in free devel­op­ment. At the time I got a cd of the photos, but I have no idea what happened to it.

Categorised as Photography

Polly’s read­ing list

Fire and Hemlock by Diana Wynne Jones, based on the folk tale Tam Lin and Eliot’s Four Quar­tets, is one of my all-time favour­ite books. The gifts of clas­sic books that the prot­ag­on­ist Polly receives from Tom, the other main char­ac­ter, are an import­ant part of the plot, but not listed anywhere in the novel. I made this read­ing list of the books for the zine of essays about Diana Wynne Jones that I made.

Mystery film

I found this film at the bottom of a plastic sleeve full of collage stuff. I’d care­fully cut round each picture on the negat­ive, so it was indi­vidu­ally cut out with a neat border, and I have abso­lutely no idea why I did it. The orange mask on c41 film makes it impossible to see the picture unless you hold it up to the light, and cutting the pictures out indi­vidu­ally from 120 film is a stupid idea, and I would have known better since I was about 16. I first star­ted using medi­um format film in 2004, when I was about 20, so I really don’t know.

Someone Tell Me Why I Do the Things That I Don’t Want To Do

One of the many rolls of film I have sitting around wait­ing to be scanned. This is from the days when I used to live in Read­ing. I want it to be sunny now! I long for long walks and picnics and lying on the grass in the sunshine, I’m fed up of the scrag end of winter. Diana + camera & Kodak Ekta­chrome 100 cross-processed.

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