Listening to my grandad’s stereo (but not his record collection)

I recently received my grandad’s stereo. He’s 89 and has moved into an old people’s home, and said he didn’t need it any more. He was an electrical engineer for Philips, so his choice of appliances can usually be relied on. I was expecting something from the 70s, but then it turned out he’d actually bought this one 3-4 years ago. I don’t know why he felt the need to buy a whole new stereo to listen to his 10 Shirley Bassey records. He once gave me a tape with Italian lessons on one side, and Shirley Bassey songs on the other. I guess he felt it was about time I took up both of those things.

Record Fair

On Saturday I’m doing a zine stall with my friend Fliss Collier at the inaugural How Does it Feel to Be Loved Record Fair. As well as our own zines we’re bringing a selection of music zines and stock from Vampire Sushi distro.There will be record stalls from Fortuna POP!, Where It’s At Is Where You Are, Odd Box, Fika, How Does It Feel To Be Loved?, The Great Pop Supplement, Dirty Water Records, Enraptured, Cherry Red, and Lojinx and lots of second hand records. I will have to restrain myself from spending any money, because I’m broke.

Categorised as Music, Zines
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