Wall­ern Carni­val- home of the Party Tract­or

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A lot of small towns in Austria have a Mardi Gras carni­val, and they often organ­ise them to be on differ­ent days to not clash. This means that if I’m in Austria doing school work­shops in Febru­ary I often see multiple carni­vals. Wall­ern-im-Burgen­land is still the most surreal I’ve seen.

When I arrived at the station on the Sunday after­noon I could hear pound­ing Happy Hard­core coming from some­where. I checked into the hotel on the same street, and dumped my suit­case to go outside and have an explore. Just as I came out of the hotel, the parade star­ted. These are all of the floats. There were people lining the street though, drink­ing pre-pack­aged shots. What else is going to happen in a tiny village on a Sunday after­noon in Febru­ary? The Roman Emper­or gave me some sweets.

Sautanz “Pig Dance” actu­ally means hog roast party around there.

This is where the banging Happy Hard­core was coming from. The Party Tract­or.

I think you need to see this video to under­stand the raw power of the Party Tract­or.

They had a confetti canon filled with shred­ded news­pa­per.

The local Young Farm­ers club finished up the parade


Shred­ded news­pa­per turned up every­where for a few days.


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