Fabric stash

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I have a lot of fabric. Mostly remnants from charity shops or from my nan’s stash (she was a dressmaker / tailor). I haven’t done any sewing this year, because I lost a lot of weight in February due to a nasty bout of gastritis, and it seemed silly to make something that would later be too small, or to try to guess at what my normal fitting would be. I’m back to my normal weight now though, so I can go ahead.

I’m still scared to cut that green and gold peacock fabric though, because it’s so pretty. The silver remnant is going to be a skirt – I have some skirt lining to use with it, because the fabric is very itchy. The brown and orange 60s style stuff a dress.There are also a few charity shop items on the pile for alteration, and the green and white spotty item on the far right is a 1940s style dress I sewed a while back which needs alteration around the shoulders and neckline (stupid narrow child shoulders . . )

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