Weyer an der Enns I

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I was work­ing in Weyer an der Enns, a small town on the edge of the Kalkal­pen Nation­al park in the centre of Austria. We some­how lucked out with an incred­ible holi­day house that my work had booked at a discount rate due to it being out of season, and we had the rare treats of a kitchen and places to sit that weren’t the bed, and nice furnish­ings rather than insti­tu­tion­al hotel ones.

My room had a balcony into the conser­vat­ory.

The school also had very nice facil­it­ies, and we did some games and video making activ­it­ies with the kids outside when the weath­er was good.

Now that’s a view from the sports field. Of course the kids are like “what view”?

This is the “castle”. You can’t go inside. Someone lives there.

There are some nice shops and cafes on the small high street, and a char­ity shop that was never open.

And a health food shop that sells these. I bought the druid and witch teas, and some cook­ing season­ings from the same brand.

Even­tu­ally this becomes part of the mighty Danube.

A small moun­tain town in Austria is not where you expect to find a sign with a quote from Ed Miliband. (Eric Hobs­bawm had a local connec­tion). The text says “he brought history down from the ivory tower, and into the lives of ordin­ary people”.

I had to leave very early in the morn­ing on my final day, and sadly missed seeing a lot of spec­tac­u­lar moun­tain scenery on my way out as it was too dark.

At least Austri­an trains provide some scenery in the toilet.

Even if you have to pay to use the ones in the station, and I always forget to redeem the money off vouch­er you get in return.

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