Slov­ak Nation­al Gallery

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The Slov­ak Nation­al Gallery was also open late- it was free that day too because they were chan­ging the exhib­i­tions and only two rooms were open. From the website it seems like there’s a lot of inter­est­ing stuff in the museum, and it’s a pity I didn’t get to see it, but I enjoyed the small section I did get to see.

This room was turned into a library using the person­al collec­tion of Slov­ak writer and trans­lat­or Kornel Föld­vári (Slov­ak trans­lat­or of Stefan Zweig amongst others).   

This room has the archive of Slov­ak artist Juli­us Koller

Upstairs was a photo­graphy exhib­i­tion by Anna Daučíková. I feel like I missed a lot of the exhib­i­tion because the text panels were in Slov­ak, but that’s really my prob­lem for not know­ing enough of the language.

The atri­um is open from the ground up to the third floor. I got some seri­ous vertigo taking this photo from a balcony on the top floor.

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