Mush­room King prints

I now have prints of this Mush­room King artwork up for sale. A5 is £6, A4 £12 and A3 £24. Find them in the shop.

Feral Prac­tice

Earli­er this week I went to a free art work­shop hosted by Open School East. Open School East is a combin­a­tion art course/​residency and students are required to organ­ise public art work­shops. This time envir­on­ment­al artist Fiona MacDon­ald aka Feral Prac­tice was the visit­ing artist. There was a talk about ants and fungi and the aim of “meet­ing  with animal/​plant/​place through the processes and reflex­iv­ity of art”, and then we went out into a local park with a wood­land area to do some clas­sic sensory/​location art activ­it­ies. Here are my sketch­book pages and some snaps from the day.

New print- Sheep Skull

So here’s a new illus­tra­tion I did. It’s actu­ally based on a draw­ing I did when I was 17 that I found while sort­ing out some paper­work recently. You can buy mono­chrome and colour prints for £3-£30 over on the shop.


Here’s some more photos from Germany. From Harth in Nordrhein-West­falen to be more precise. It’s a small village in the Sauer­land, a scen­ic forest region about a hundred miles east of Cologne, popu­lar for hiking and cycling.


If you keep walk­ing out of Split you end up on the Marjan penin­sula. The first time I visited I made the mistake of climb­ing up to the peak in 35c heat. After that I sens­ibly took the coast road.

Indi­ana Jones and the Temple of Deer

Our final stop in Japan before flying home from Osaka was Nara. In the 700s it was the capit­al of Japan, at the time when Buddhism really became estab­lished in Japan. Nowadays as well as Buddhism, it’s known for the tame deer who live in the forest park surround­ing the temples and shrines. We stayed in a hostel in the forest. It seemed a short walk from the train station, but we ended up walk­ing along dark forest paths drag­ging cases seem­ingly forever, with deer star­ing at us accus­ingly like some­thing out of Prin­cess Mononoke. (The hostel turned out to be a pretty weird place too).

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