2022 calen­dar

My 2022 calen­dar is now ready – you can order calen­dars and prints of the artwork here.

Inter­view with Sajan Rai

A short inter­view with my friend, illus­trat­or Sajan Rai. I first met Sajan when we were assigned adjoin­ing tables at a zine fair, and he was offer­ing to draw people as sloths for £5. This clearly being a sign that he was the right kind of person, we became friends.


After multiple people asked me, I did a print design of everyone’s favour­ite neoten­ous, cute but some­what canni­bal­ist­ic Mexic­an sala­man­der.

Photoshop Digit­al Colour tutori­al

Multiple people have asked me for a tutori­al of how I do colour in Photoshop. A lot of people think my prints are analogue screen-prints, but they’re actu­ally mostly digit­al. I draw the ink lines by hand, but all the colour and texture is created in Photoshop.

Extinc­tion Dome print

Here’s anoth­er print- price in the shop varies from £6-£24 depend­ing on size. You can order one here. Features a plesi­o­saur, a nautilus and a coel­acanth for your pleas­ure.

Whit­stable print

Here’s an illus­tra­tion I recently did of Whit­stable seafront. A3, A4 and A5 giclée prints are avail­able here.

Ljubljana Bien­ni­al

This summer I had to chance to go to both Docu­menta in Kassel and the Ljubljana Bien­ni­al of Graph­ic Arts. Here’s my photos from one of the Ljubljana Bien­ni­al exhib­i­tions that allowed photos. The theme of this Bien­ni­al was this poem by Slov­e­ni­an writer Jure Deleta.

Green concrete

Here’s an illus­tra­tion of a car park in Brack­nell. Like the one I did yester­day, the origin­al artwork was a pen and ink draw­ing, and the colour was added digit­ally. It’s avail­able as a print in three differ­ent sizes, from £6 to £24.

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Colour me in

Lately I’ve been draw­ing much more, and writ­ing a lot less. I’ve been prepar­ing artwork for a colour­ing book, which I need to get finished by the 12th of Novem­ber, to have ready in print for the Rose Tinted Zine Spec­tac­u­lar in Brighton on the 19th of Novem­ber. So there’s been a lot of 8 hour draw­ing sessions and high levels of caffeine consump­tion.

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