Fanzine Ynfytyn 27- Solitude Stand­ing digit­al version

In 2016 I left London to house sit in the small town where my grand­par­ents had lived. After a sequence of unfor­tu­nate events involving elec­tri­cians and train strikes I ended up spend­ing the whole summer pretty much alone in a town full of old people, where I knew no-one and there was very little to do, and I had very little in-person contact with other people. A situ­ation a lot of other people can relate to at the moment I think.

Robert Smith’s Cabbages

A couple of years ago I went down to Aldwick, near Bognor Regis for the summer to house-sit a relative’s house. I ended up being stran­ded there due to a lengthy train strike. Robert Smith of the Cure is prob­ably the only famous local resid­ent. The owner of one of the local shops told me where he lived, and I went along to see it once out of curi­os­ity. The house was dull and expens­ive look­ing, but the beach it stands next to was much more Robert Smith like, with windswept shingle like Dunge­ness and rare sea cabbages. I never bothered to look at Robert Smith’s house again, but I made many trips to the beach because I liked it so much. I was usually the only person there.

Fanzine Ynfytyn 27

I’ve done a new zine about that time in 2006 I acci­dent­ally spent a whole summer alone in Bognor Regis. For £2.50 you get both the zine and the mini zine I made at the time for the 24 hour zine chal­lenge. Find them here.

Toy Camer­as in Brighton

My flickr account has 370 albums on it, dating back to 2007, before I star­ted this blog. A little while ago I dug out some pictures of Brack­nell from the archives, and I thought I’d find some more things from the oldest albums.

Fish­bourne Palace


A while back I went to Fish­bourne Palace. In the 1960s engin­eers digging a new drain in a village just outside Chichester discovered some Roman mosa­ics. When they were excav­ated, they turned out to belong to the one of the largest Roman palaces outside Italy. My thing I wrote for Story­board this month is based on it (and yes, the build­ing really does look like a swim­ming pool). No one is one hundred percent sure who it belonged to, the most common guess is Tiberi­us Claudi­us Cogidub­nus, the local chief­tain /​ Roman ally /​ client king, but there are no inscrip­tions or histor­ic­al records either back­ing it up or prov­ing other­wise.

москва в брайтон

I have been busy recently, and the ever-present back­log of photos and so on I mean to post gets ever longer. Here’s some photos I took of Brighton Pier at some point. I have no idea when I took them, prob­ably when I lived in Brighton, but I scanned them the other week.

Cake mistakes

These are a couple of photos from the end of a roll that I forgot to scan. Me & Marcos went down to Brighton for the day in March, and it rained torren­tially, so we basic­ally went from cafe to pub to restaur­ant. We went to meet up with my friend Vicky first at the Mock Turtle, a tea room down by the seafront that looks like a grandmother’s dining room. I’ve been there lots of times, and their food and drink is nice and reas­on­ably priced. Vicky was running late, so I decided to get a cake for her as a surprise. I saw they had added a rain­bow cake to the menu, and she loves that kind of thing, and I was curi­ous about what it looked like.

Hast­ings Summer of 2006

I got some films developed a little while ago, and it turned out some of them are from quite a while ago, and had been lurk­ing around in draw­ers for a long time. This one is from 2006. I’m not sure what camera I took these with, some kind of box camera or Diana or some­thing.

Anniver­saire de Victoire

On Saturday I went to Brighton for Vicky’s birth­day. When I arrived at her flat, she had a full birth­day tea laid out with all kinds of treats and drinks, and a red velvet cake that looked like a giant cupcake. Every­one should do that for their birth­day, it was so much fun

Drink-draw­ing & Read­ing Objects

My friend Adam from art college runs a pub draw­ing game night called Drinky Doodle in Brighton. I couldn’t make the first one, but I managed to get to the second. It’s at a nice scand­inavi­an themed bar. There are assor­ted themed games where you have to either draw what’s on the card you drew out of a hat, or draw the things that are shouted out. Sadly I missed out on the That’s Life Draw­ing they did last time, where you drew stuff out of the magazine. I love those awful “REAL LIFE DRAMA” magazines.

Day out with my sister

In Octo­ber, my sister came to see me in Brighton (I miss you!) with her 3 sons, dog and boyfriend in tow and we went for a walk on the beach and an excel­lent pub lunch. I took some pictures, but didn’t scan the film until recently. No spec­tac­u­lar pictures, but a nice day out.

Categorised as Photography

Brighton Zine­fest 2010

I just real­ised I forgot to put the photos from the 2010 Zine­fest on here. I’m going to write about it in more detail in issue 13 of my zine, but to summar­ise: It was good, lots of people came, the Bobby McGees were fant­ast­ic, I got the flu on Saturday, was tired and irrit­able.

Categorised as Zines

Tea & Sympathy

Earli­er today me & Vicky planned to go to an Alice Tea Party that was advert­ised in a vintage clothes shop. We dressed up Alice style, her in a grey dress with a bow and white tights with black ballet shoes, and me with a chequred skirt, silver and black stripy jump­er, and silver ballet shoes. We got there and the “tea party” turned out to be a shop assist­ant on a small table with some styro­foam cups of tea. Very disap­point­ing


Fisheye photos from vari­ous occa­sions on the beach. With help from Madame T.

Pier Kaleido­scope

A couple of weeks ago I took my cheesy 70s kaleido­scope filter to the pier. I didn’t really get the shots I wanted, and I dropped my lens cap between the slats, but I managed to get a few ok shots.

Bramber & Steyn­ing

Bramber’s a small village inland of Shore­ham, it’s got one street with a couple of pubs and houses, a ruined Norman castle, and an intact Norman church (ie they’re about 1000 years old)


On Saturday I went out with my dad to have lunch out and a wander. We went to Shore­ham, a small coastal town near Brighton, and Bramber, a village with a ruined castle. Here’s Shore­ham.

Categorised as Travel

Brighton Aquar­i­um

When Chris was down the other week we went to the aquar­i­um because I had a half price vouch­er. I love aquar­i­ums, and I’m going again on Monday even­ing for a work thing.

Hazy Sea

I went for a walk along the beach whilst wait­ing to meet up with my cous­in, who’s just moved to Brighton. There was a haze on the sea that day, and the pier looked like it was float­ing on noth­ing. I never get tired of photo­graph­ing the seafront.

A wander along the beach

One of my New Year’s Resol­u­tions was to trawl back through forgot­ten photos on my hard drive/​negatives folder and post-process them. This was one of the first untouched folders I found. Back in Septem­ber, I went for a walk along the beach along Hove Lawns, right up to Portslade. It was a beau­ti­ful day, and there was hardly anyone about, because it was the middle of the week, and the tour­ist season had pretty much finished.

Categorised as Travel, UK
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