Category: Hungary
What’s in the box?
Austria Post does an excellent fixed price box within Europe which is extremely handy when you’re travelling around for weeks on end with a 20kg luggage restriction and needing to dress nicely for work and no access to laundry.
Assorted Fertőd
Fertőd is the village in Hungary just across the border from Pamhagen. It has a huge Baroque palace there (which we also visited) and therefore more places to eat than Wallern (and the exchange rate is very favourable). The train takes about five minutes, but only runs every four hours. In fact the train journey was so quick a lot of the time the conductor couldn’t even be bothered to sell us a cross-border ticket.
Győr Station Lives in the 50s
Győr station is really quite stylish in a 1950s way. I took most of these photos while I was waiting around bored for my delayed train back to Austria.
Draught excluders of Győr
There were a lot of decrepit old wooden windows in Győr old town. Here’s some of the various designs of draught excluders I saw.
Győr at night
The Danube at night
Street Signs of Győr
There’s also lots of vintage street signs in Győr. This one says “fabric dyeing and dry cleaning”.
Győr, Hungary
After working in Vienna for a week I headed off on the train to Győr in Hungary. It’s the regional capital of NW Hungary, and exactly halfway between Vienna and Budapest. I’d never been there before, and it was an easy train journey from both Vienna and the tiny village on the Austria-Hungary border where my next work assignment was.
Das Geht Sich Gut Aus
I’ve been in Vienna and now a tiny village on the Austro-Hungarian border for the last few weeks. Here’s what I’ve been listening to.