Ichi-go ichi-e

This was my April 2014 piece for Storyboard , a writing site with monthly prompts run by a friend. I couldn’t think of a story idea, so I wrote a kind of essay instead.The theme that month was “Ichi-go ichi-e”: a never again moment. I couldn’t think of a story, so I decided to talk a little about ways other writers have handled the theme. I suppose you could call this a casual essay. I’m afraid it won’t be closely argued or meticulously footnoted, and it is quite loosely put together, but maybe it will give people some good recommendations of things to read

Fanzine Ynfytyn 27

I’ve done a new zine about that time in 2006 I accidentally spent a whole summer alone in Bognor Regis. For £2.50 you get both the zine and the mini zine I made at the time for the 24 hour zine challenge. Find them here.

Zine catalogue

I have updated and created an online catalogue of my zine projects- both the current ones, and the out of print ones. It can be found at http://www.ynfytyn.co.uk. If you have ever wondered why my zine is called that, you can also find out here.

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The Best of Fanzine Ynfytyn 1-13

I’ve been doing my zine for around 10 years now. I’ve got a lot of back issues that are no longer in print for various reasons. I didn’t want to reprint the whole issues, but it seemed a shame to have them completely languishing in a folder, so I’ve made a compilation issue with articles from the first 13 issues. 40 pages, 30 articles, 12000 words for £3.50

Categorised as Zines

Fanzine Ynfytyn 23.5

I have two new zines available this month. This is a mini zine I made for the 24 hour zine project, which runs every July. You have to write and layout 24 pages within 24 hours. No pre-preparation is allowed. It’s a fun challenge. Available from my shop for £1 (including UK postage).

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Two new zines

I’ve got two new zines out- Fanzine Ynfytyn 23 & 25 (21 and 24 are still in the works). If you’re new to my zine, and are curious about the name, the explanation is here. Both zines are £2 including UK postage (international postage extra), available here.

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Fanzine Ynfytyn

My zine, Fanzine Ynfytyn, is named after a song by Welsh language post-punk band Datblygu (“Develop”). The name could be construed as either “Fanzine Idiot”, “Idiot Fanzine” or “Idiot’s Fanzine”. People either look at the name with bafflement, go “uh, is it Welsh in some way?” or are pleased because they know the song (those people get a free copy). In some ways I regret giving it a name that so many people struggle to pronounce or understand, but I’m on issue 22 now, so they’ll just have to get used to it. When I started it, I only expected to give a few copies to some friends who were already familiar with the song, so it wasn’t really a concern (I also had a mini collage zine called “Pobble Eh Come?” like a really mis-spelt version of the soap opera). Seeing as one of those people was a fellow language student penfriend who I had a running joke with of us mangling Welsh and German together to make one überbendigedich language, I wasn’t too worried about the palatability of the name. I was never expecting to get to issue 22, and have sold or traded hundreds of copies of some of the back issues and have them in libraries and academic collections. I was surprised I got to more than a couple of issues to be honest.

Two new zines

I had two never-before-seen zines to bring with me to the Sheffield Zine Fest (photos of the festival coming later in the week). Issue 22 was new, whereas issue 14 has a bit of a history. I made no. 14 a few years ago, mislaid the pages, found them again last year and finished some bits off, made a few copies, mislaid them again moving house and then found them again recently. Now they’re safe in a folder with all my other master copies, scanned to a pdf, and available to print whenever I want.

Fanzine Ynftyn 14- jo, freilich, die gnädige Frau Magister Emma ist nach Österreich gekommen

I used to go to Austria quite a lot to run workshops in schools, travelling from school to school each week. I started writing this zine after my first trip to Vienna in 2010, didn’t finish it, and then finished it off a couple of years later. I made a few copies at the time, but then mislaid the pages again when moving house, so barely anyone has read it. I recently found them again, and scanned them, so people can order it now!

Fanzine Ynfytyn 20

I made this zine last year, but it hasn’t been in print since Christmas, because I sold all the copies, and couldn’t find the masters. I found them again today though, so it’s back in print!

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New zines, after a bit of a break

I’ve got two, count ’em, two (it’s not very difficult counting) new zines for you, that took a while to get finished. One with the usual fluff, the other about Vienna. Each is 24 pages, 1/4 sized, and costs £1 + postage from my website shop. I also have quite a lot of back issues on there for 80p + postage at the moment, when they’re gone, they’re gone.

Categorised as Zines

Fanzine Ynfytyn 19

I’ve got a new zine! It’s been a bit of a break since the last one, because I was so busy. I’ve got 2 more that aren’t quite finished, but should be out soon too.

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Fanzine Ynfytyn 18

I’ve got a new zine out. It’s got:

* 80s video machines
* Giant list of small pleasures
* Really delicious lasagne recipe

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New zine time again

24-page b/w quarter sized zine on pink paper made of marshmellows and happiness

What’s in this one:

* Why Mr Frosty sets are disappointing as an adult
* Your Tears are Cheap: Special holiday centre section of vitriolic negativity
* Lists! Lots of lists.
* Extra J.Mascis and cats

Trip to, heave ho

I’ve got two new zines out, they’re up on my shop along with some risograph prints. (If you don’t use paypal or you want to trade, that’s fine as well, contact me and we can sort it out)

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Zines in unlucky numbers

I’ve got 2 new zines available:

Issue 13 of Fanzine Ynfytyn- 50p/$1 + postage

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New issue

Here’s the zine I made for my second year of the 24hr zine challenge (I did it early, because I’m going to be insanely busy in July). You have to make 24 pages in 24 hours, with no pre-planning allowed. It’s about the best gigs I’ve ever been to, my best bargains at charity estate sales and crosswords.

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Fanzine Ynfytyn 10

Fanzine Ynfytyn 10
Ireland Special!

This one’s about my road/rail/boat trip to Co Cork in Ireland in the September of 2009 with a 11 piece country band called Dolly & the Clothespegs. Features midnight ferry rides, colcannon and wonky Dolly Parton covers. 24 pages 1/4 size b&w.

Categorised as Zines

New Mini Zine

I’ve done a free mini issue of Fanzine Ynfytyn about the fine city of Canterbury. It’s free if you order any other of my zines, because charging international postage for such a small zine is a bit pointless. 14 pages, 3″ x 4″. I’ll also be at the Alt Press Fair on Saturday in London.

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New zine issue

Fanzine Ynfytyn 9
A 24 page B&W zine measuring 15cm x 11cm / 6″ x 4″, filled with assorted interesting rubbish

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