Győr Station Lives in the 50s

Győr station is really quite stylish in a 1950s way. I took most of these photos while I was waiting around bored for my delayed train back to Austria.

Draught excluders of Győr

There were a lot of decrepit old wooden windows in Győr old town. Here’s some of the various designs of draught excluders I saw.

Győr, Hungary

After working in Vienna for a week I headed off on the train to Győr in Hungary. It’s the regional capital of NW Hungary, and exactly halfway between Vienna and Budapest. I’d never been there before, and it was an easy train journey from both Vienna and the tiny village on the Austria-Hungary border where my next work assignment was.

Das Geht Sich Gut Aus

I’ve been in Vienna and now a tiny village on the Austro-Hungarian border for the last few weeks. Here’s what I’ve been listening to.

International Pop Hits

My all-time top Finn Tukru, sent me some weird Finnish music videos from the past. (Don’t introduce me to any other Finns, Tukru, you might get demoted).

A Hawk and a Hacksaw

The other night I went to see a Hawk and a Hacksaw at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. My friend Fliss had a spare ticket at the last moment. I had seen them a few times before, the picture above is one I took at ATP around 6 years ago. She had booked the tickets so long ago she had forgotten the details of the show. It turned out to be a collaboration between A Hawk and a Hacksaw and the BBC Orchestra. The orchestra played pieces by Bartok and Ligeti, a Hawk and a Hacksaw played folk songs from Hungary, Romania and Ukraine, and the two joined together for some songs at the end. It felt very civilised to sit watching an orchestra in plush padded seats. It’s not something I do that often. I had an ice cream in the interval too.

Categorised as Music

Tömeny romantika, imádlak 80s hungarian songs-ika

The other weekend I went to visit Erika and her partner at their beautiful house. I always have a nice time there. The worst thing that ever happened to me there was that I once ate too much Stilton and had to have a lengthy lie-down. If the worst thing about your day is that you ate too much blue cheese, then the day is going well.

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